Child Dedications
Child dedication is a time for parents to make a public commitment to raise their kids to know and follow Jesus. It is also an opportunity for our church body to dedicate ourselves to supporting parents as they raise their children to know Christ.

If you've made the first step of saying yes to following Jesus, your next step is baptism!

If you've made the first step of saying yes to following Jesus, your next step is baptism!

Women’s Conference
All women are invited to the City Church Women's Conference, February 21-22! You’re invited to come, connect, and intentionally build community with other women in our church.

Child Dedication Class
Are you interested in learning more about Child Dedication at City Church? Join us for a Child Dedication class where you will learn the purpose of child dedication, what it means for your child, and what you can do to participate in child dedication.

Worship Team Auditions
Calling all passionate and gifted Worshippers! Join us Thursday, August 29th for Worship Team auditions!

Dessert Night
Join us for Dessert Night at City Church! This will be a fun and casual evening to meet and connect with our church community.

Gospel Shaped Leader (FEC Conference)
Join us for a powerful night of worship and teaching by guest speaker Derwin Gray.

Women's Brunch
Join us for our summer Women’s Brunch as we gather to share a time in community with our sisters and a cup of tea. We will have a variety of teas, both iced and hot, games, charcuterie and more. This is an opportunity to get to enjoy a little girls day out together!

Collide Night
Join us for an unforgettable evening, where incoming 6th graders get an exciting sneak peek behind the hype of City Youth!

Man Camp
A weekend experience where the men of City Church can be challenged in their faith.

Women's Prayer Night
Join us at The Summit for our annual women’s prayer evening. Come ready to reflect on the year past and pray and dream about the future. We’ll have a cozy, comfortable atmosphere as well as guided prayer stations and communion.

Ice Camp 2024
Bundle up and kick off the new year with an amazing weekend at Ice Camp! This is a great time to enjoy fun activities, connect with one another, and have meaningful discussions about Jesus that will last far beyond this weekend.

Family Advent Devotional
This advent season, we want to help you have conversations with your kids about Jesus and generosity. We have a free Family Advent Devotional available for all families at City Church!

City Kids Team Appreciation Breakfast
City Kids is having an appreciation breakfast to celebrate our volunteers.

Unified Nights
Unified Nights is an opportunity to gather together with other churches on the south side of Fort Wayne for the purpose of pursuing unity in the body of Christ.

Women’s Retreat
This fall, you are invited to join the women of City Church at Miracle Camp for a Women's Retreat! The retreat is September 15-17, and it will be a refreshing time of rest, connection, and worship.

Alpha is a safe place for those who have questions about life, faith, and meaning. Each week, we'll enjoy connecting with people, eat together (soup & snacks!), watch a short film, and have group discussion.

City Youth Pool Party
You’re invited to this year’s City Youth Pool Party at the Orlikowski’s home! Splash, laugh, and enjoy a fun time with friends and youth leaders.

IF:2023 Women’s Conference
IF:2023 provides powerful biblical teaching, encouragement to make disciples in your own life, and empowerment when it comes to surrendering and following God.

Men’s Cookout
Men, if you have been looking for a way to get connected to other guys at City Church, we have a fun event for you this Saturday – a men’s ministry cookout at the Gillioms’ barn!

City Youth Summer Kickoff
Calling all City Youth and incoming 6th graders! Join us for our City Youth Summer Kickoff! This our way to celebrate the end of the school year and the start of summer with new friends!

City Kids Team Training
This training will include important information on addressing behavior issues with kids of all ages and caring for kids with special needs. We'll have breakfast and fellowship!

Building Dedication
Join us as we dedicate our new building! Our time will include worship and baptism. Be sure to bring your own chair!

Easter at City Church
Join us at City Church as we celebrate the hope and joy of Easter. Everyone is welcome. Come as you are. We would love to see you there!

Budget Class
Are you interested in learning more about spending money wisely, saving for emergencies, and budgeting so you can live generously?

City Kids Parents Meeting
If you have a child in our kid's ministry, you are invited to a brief meeting on January 29th to hear about the vision of City Kids for 2023.